• Audience is people familiar with installing desktop apps and using plain text editors (e.g., TextEdit or Notepad)
  • Use plain, declarative sentences. Explain arcane concepts briefly, and avoid a lot of depth; save that for an intermediate handbook.
  • Need to sprinkle in screenshots and diagrams.
  • Need to identify additional resources, like Markdown how-tos, Obsidian how-tos, etc. Short and concise videos are preferred.
  • Primary output formats are a static web site and PDF. Avoid using internal wiki links, there's enough stuff going on already. (Note: this needs some explanation.)
  • Section numbers in page titles: use incrementing integers; it's okay to have to renumber when pages get added or moved.
  • Each page will have a semver version number at the top that represents the release number of the whole guidebook, incremented on each release (publication to static site + PDF). There will not be a page-specific version number; just use the git log for that (This last sentence also needs some context.)