8. Other Advanced Topics

Massive Wiki Starter Guidebook version 0.1.1

  • how to configure a Massive wiki you create so that Obsidian settings don't sync
  • participating in multiple Massive wikis
    • how to switch between them in Obsidian
  • opening e.g., Typora on a file (in Obsidian, you can right-click on a filename and select "Open in default App", if you have set up a default app for Markdown)
    • the difference between edting a single page in e.g., Typora or HackMD, and editing multiple pages and doing page management in Obsidian
  • favorite hot keys
    • C-L = push
    • C-U = pull
    • C-E = toggle edit/preview
  • starting your own Massive Wiki (this topic might go in an intermediate guide eventually)
    • go to github, click + in upper right toolbar
    • select Import
    • paste the URL https://github.com/massive-wiki/massive-wiki-starter
    • choose a name for your new repo
    • (click Import or whatever)
    • if you get a request for a username/password, you might have gotten the massive-wiki-starter wrong, cancel